Kesantunan Berbahasa Hasil Unggahan Motivator Merry Riana

   uploads, politeness strategies, Instagram, speech acts
   A.A. Ayu Dian Andriyani, Ladycia Sundayra, I Wayan Saka Adi Permana
Item Type:
Additional Info:
 The article was publish on Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sastra, bahasa dan Budaya (SEBAYA ke-1) "Implementasi Kebahasaan dan Budaya Jepang di Masa Pandemi" 2 Juni 2021 Publisher by Program Studi Sastra Jepang Fakultas Bahasa Asing Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
uploads, politeness strategies, Instagram, speech acts
Abstract :
Motivator posts on social media aim to motivate other Instagram users. One of the communication strategies is to apply language politeness. The qualitative research took written data in the form of the upload of a motivator, Merry Riana, with the aim of finding the types of language politeness strategies and speech act function so that they could be easily understood by users. The primary research data came from the Instagram media account of the motivator @Merry Riana with data collection techniques, namely, listening and recording every post. The data obtained were then analyzed using pragmatic matching techniques because the speech partner was the determinant. This means that this method can in detail identify the effects felt by the speech partners that have been conveyed by the speakers. The results of data analysis is using the informal presentation method and presented descriptively. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the strategies used by the motivator Merry Riana contained positive and negative politeness strategies supported by the speech act function containing directive, expressive and commissive elements. Motivators are able to motivate account users because they use the right politeness strategies so they can thoughtfully accept it without any doubt.